在我们准备重新开放经济的时候, we've started pulling together resources to provide you with the insight and information you need to make the transition as comfortable and compliant as possible. 请看下面的信息. 如果你有问题, 电子邮件我们 and we will put you in touch with the right 意图 professional to address your specific challenges.
Decision Tree Documents To Assist With The Re-Entry Process
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has put together and made available one-page documents to assist business owners, 学校官员, 在重新开放的过程中.
The Ohio Department of Health has released key protocols for all businesses to follow as part of it's "负责任的重返工作岗位协议.“这些协议包括:
- 要求遮盖面部
- 进行每日健康评估
- 保持良好卫生
- 清洁和消毒
当然,还有一些额外的指导方针. 你可以 点击这里 要了解更多或 点击这里 to download the printable "Responsible Protocols" document.
We know you have a lot of questions about the re-entry process, which is why our COVID-19 task force will begin focusing on the topic during our "What's Life After Coronavirus?网络研讨会系列. 你可以 点击这里 to learn about webinars we have scheduled in the next week or two as well as to view past webinars. For past webinars pertaining exclusively to "re-entry," keep scrolling. We will do our best to group them all on this page so that they are easily accessible.
重启俄亥俄州的下一步 & 工作场所安全法规
引领重返社会进程:人 & 业务
Ohio's healthcare establishments will be given the green light to re-open on May 1. 其他企业将被允许稍晚一点重新开业. See below for the dates certain businesses will be allowed to open. 你可以 click on the images to view the full versions of the flyers below, which includes mandatory procedures for businesses that are reopening as well as recommended best practices. 点击这里 了解更多关于俄亥俄州责任重启的信息.
- Sectors Licensed by the 状态 Medical Board of Ohio: Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Cosmetic Therapy
- 生产,销售 & 建设
- 消费者、零售 & 服务
- 通用办公环境
- Hair Salons, Day Spas, Nail Salons, Barbershops, Tanning Facilities,
纹身店和身体穿孔地点- (下载西班牙)
- 餐厅和酒吧
- 露营和露营地
- 照顾孩子
在此期间, 在我们试图重新开业的时候, 许多事情将继续保持不确定性——不仅仅是对你, 但对于你雇佣的男男女女. 通过我们的COVID-19资源中心, we have provided a wealth of information to assist you every step of the way while ensuring that you have the tools necessary to lead your team throughout this challenging time. 要访问此信息, keep scrolling or follow the links in the navigation field located on the right side of your screen if you are accessing this page from a computer.
当我们, 作为一个国家,作为一个民族, 是否正在采取措施重新开放经济, 这个过程肯定是缓慢的. 结果是, 失业 insurance benefits will continue to be an essential component of these re-opening efforts.
Residents of Ohio can continue to seek 失业 assistance from the 状态 of Ohio through the 俄亥俄州就业和家庭服务部. 点击这里了解更多.
FAQ: One of the most common questions being asked by employers at this time is - "If I call an employee back to work but they refuse, 我该怎么办呢??" The ODJFS has answered this question in the "失业 eligibility" section of its website. 点击这里了解更多. 根据政府机构的说法:
"We first encourage employers to engage in dialogue with an employee who expresses reluctance to return to work about the measures that employers are taking to help employees feel safe. It is our expectation that in most situations employers and employees will be able to work together to ensure a safe environment for employees to return to work. The ODJFS process for determining whether to deny 失业 benefits for a refusal to return to work existed prior to the pandemic. The Return to Work Guidelines provide employer access to online reporting, which is more efficient than calling or emailing information. The analysis centers around whether good cause exists for refusing an offer of suitable work. That determination involves these factors: prior training and work experience, 工资福利, 旅行的距离, 轮班和工作时间, 健康和体能, 健康和安全. 也是这个过程的一部分, facts will be sought from both the employer and employee and each party will have an opportunity to appeal the decision to the Unemployment Compensation Review Commission. 雇主可以通过网站了解更多信息 失业.俄亥俄州.gov /雇主 点击“COVID-19重返工作岗位指南”."
The new federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (or "PUA") program provides benefits for many individuals ineligible for state 失业 benefits, 包括自雇人士, 1099个报税人, 兼职工人. 点击这里了解更多.
Don't forget to check out our dedicated COVID-19资源中心 page for information and insight into key financial resources for employers. Our COVID-19 task force specifically dives into the Paycheck Protection Program, 主流借贷计划, 关怀法案, 和更多的. 点击这里查看.
We understand that you have a lot of questions concerning the re-entry process - and if you don't yet, 你很快就会知道的. 的意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件' COVID-19 task force consists of financial experts, 人力资源专业人士, 以及行业专家, all of whom are committed to finding solutions for your unique business challenges. 点击这里发送电子邮件 今天是我们特遣队的一员.